GraphViz is a great graph layout engine, and GraphViz outputs to SVG. This allows us to edit GraphViz output in Inkscape.
Unfortunately, this editing is limited. The arcs are not "connectors" in the graphic-editing sense, so we cannot drag a node while maintaining arc connectivity.
But Inkscape does have draggable connectors. Solution: I wrote this Python script to convert GraphViz SVG output to have Inkscape-draggable connectors. Seems to work. In Inkscape, click the node to drag, not the arc. Your mileage may vary. Open source code here.
# 2 May 2015, John F. Raffensperger. from xml.dom import minidom # 1. Read Graphviz.svg. This is output from Graphviz. graphvizSVGFile= minidom.parse("graphviz_output.svg") # 2. For each node, get id and title. nodeTitles = {} for s in graphvizSVGFile.getElementsByTagName('g'): if s.attributes['id'].value[:4] == "node": nodeTitles[s.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]] = s.attributes['id'].nodeValue # 3. For each arc, parse the title, and match the corresponding ids of the nodes, add the ids to the arc, edgeTitles = {} for s in graphvizSVGFile.getElementsByTagName('g'): if s.attributes['id'].value[:4] == "edge": edgeTitle = s.getElementsByTagName('title')[0] edgeTitles [s.attributes['id'].nodeValue] = edgeTitle.split("->") # 4. Add connector elements to Graphviz.svg. # For each arc, delete the GraphViz arrow marker, for s in graphvizSVGFile.getElementsByTagName('g'): if s.attributes['id'].value[:4] == "edge": # Remove child "polygon", which is the GraphViz arrow marker. for thing in s.childNodes: if thing.nodeType == s.ELEMENT_NODE and thing.tagName == "polygon": s.removeChild(thing) break # 5. To each edge path, add an Inkscape arrow marker in the attributes. for s in graphvizSVGFile.getElementsByTagName('g'): if s.attributes['id'].value[:4] == "edge": for thing in s.childNodes: if thing.nodeType == s.ELEMENT_NODE and thing.tagName == "path": thing.setAttribute("inkscape:connector-type", "polyline") thing.setAttribute("inkscape:connector-curvature", "3") nodeID = nodeTitles[edgeTitles[s.attributes['id'].value][0]] thing.setAttribute("inkscape:connection-start", "#" + nodeID) nodeID = nodeTitles[edgeTitles[s.attributes['id'].value][1]] thing.setAttribute("inkscape:connection-end", "#" + nodeID) # 6. Output should have draggable nodes in Inkscape, after ungrouping as needed. SVGtextFile = open("inkscape_input.svg", "wb") graphvizSVGFile.writexml(SVGtextFile) SVGtextFile.close() print "done"
Useful tool, thanks !
I use it with some patch.
There is a bug if you have a UTF8 text (ascii > 128), so use codecs
| import codecs
I remplaced the step 6 by
| with"inkscape_input.svg", "w", "utf-8") as out:
| graphvizSVGFile.writexml(out)
I want arrow on the connector end, so I added this after thing.setAttribute("inkscape:connection-end", "#" + nodeID)
| thing.setAttribute("marker-end","url(#Arrow1Lend)")
But "Arrow1Lend" must be defined, so i use a bash script to add definition like this:
| MARKER=' '
| cat "inkscape_input.svg" | sed "s@@$MARKER@" > "inkscape_input2.svg"
MARKER="$(echo "PG1hcmtlciBpbmtzY2FwZTpzdG9ja2lkPSJBcnJvdzFMZW5kIiBvcmllbnQ9ImF1dG8iIHJlZlk9
Cg==" | base64 -d)"
Works great! Have been looking for a long time for a solution...
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