26 August 2024

A simple fair method to ration medical resources between facilities

Based on Raffensperger, John F., Marygail K. Brauner, and R. J. Briggs, Planning Hospital Needs for Ventilators and Respiratory Therapistsin the COVID-19 Crisis. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2020.

In this post, I explain how to implement our method using a spreadsheet.

Medical administrators face the problem of allocating resources such as ventilators among different facilities when demands vary extremely. Administrators may be able to forecast average demands at each facility by day or week, but must still manage the variability of demand over minutes and hours. Different average demands among smaller and larger facilities complicates the allocations further. Queuing processes are non-linear, so proportional allocation methods (such as allocating based on average ventilators per patient) can result in inefficient and unfair outcomes.

To efficiently and fairly ration resources between facilities, we propose application of a classical queuing model, enabling administrators to define fairness as equal waiting times across facilities. Administrators can easily run the model in a spreadsheet or other computer system. Using the queuing model, the administrator allocates resources to equalize the wait time among facilities. Due to the non-linearity of waiting time as a function of the number of resources, equalizing wait times across facilities also minimizes total waiting time.

This method of equalizing wait times across facilities is not meant for use in prioritizing patients within a facility, nor for rationing resources between patient types, e.g., by age or socio-economic status. Our method assumes that the population of patients at one facility are clinically similar to the population of patients at other facilities.

With clinically similar patient groups, we can use a classical queuing model to allocate resources. The Erlang C formula was developed by Agner Krarup Erlang in the early 1920s to determine the number of telephone circuits required in a telephone exchange. The formula is appropriate for multi-server queues (where servers are the resources such as ventilators within a hospital), and where arrivals and service times follow Poisson distributions.

λ is the arrival rate of patients, e.g., arriving patients per hour at a hospital.

μ is the treatment time (length of stay) on a single server, e.g., average hours that a patient is on a ventilator.

N is the number of servers, e.g., ventilators at a hospital.

Poisson(N, ρ) is the probability of exactly N events occurring in a fixed interval of time when the average occurrence rate is ρ, such as λ*μ in this case.

The probability of wait is as follows:

Prob(wait > 0) = Poisson(N, λ*μ)/[Poisson(N, λ*μ) + (1λ*μ/N))∑k=0N–1 Poisson(k, λ*μ)]

As the probability of wait approaches 100%, the average queue gets longer. If the probability of wait reaches 100% or greater, patient load exceeds hospital capacity, and the queue length will explode. When the formula exceeds 100%, the reader may not find the value to have intuitive meaning, so we can restrict the calculation to a maximum of 100%:

Prob(wait > 0) = MIN(1, POISSON.DIST (N, λ*μ, FALSE) /

(POISSON.DIST (N, λ*μ, FALSE) + (1 – λ*μ/N))*POISSON.DIST (N – 1, λ*μ,TRUE)))

To build the full spreadsheet, proceed as follows:

1. Write a spreadsheet row for each facility. Each row has the facility’s current number of resources (e.g., ventilators), the average arrival rate of patients per day, and the average service time per patient (e.g., days on ventilator).

2. In each row, add a cell with the expected waiting time for each patient, using the Erlang C formula we give below.

3. Given the number of new resources to allocate across facilities, give the next available resource to the facility with the longest patient waiting time. Of course, with a new resource such as a ventilator, the facility may also need more resources of other types, e.g., respiratory therapists. The spreadsheet can calculate these other resources as well, if appropriate data (e.g., ventilators per therapist) is available.

Here is an example in Google Sheets.

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